Saturday, October 29, 2016

Why organization does not take the benefits from Office 365 new features?

Benefit from Microsoft Office 365 evergreeness

How often your organization Office 365 Service Manager has visited on the following page explaining the Office 365 roadmap Office 365 Roadmap ?

Very simple questions what every CIO should ask from the team. "Hi Team, please explain the new features m & functions Microsoft is releasing from Office 365 and included to our current subscriptions with no financial impact?"

Unfortunately the answer can be something what the CIO does not expect to get and this is a huyge problem and slow down the organization's path to digital master or journey to digital workplace, and impacting to the the user daily work and perfomance.

Based on this the CIO might also ask a question why we moved to cloud if our internal behavior in evergreen service is based on working and collaboration with the local outsourcing provider on the history, where nothing came free and it was also project to upgrade the version or add new services.

How we realize the cloud benefits?

How we support our business and how they benefits from new services in their daily work?

So, couple great question for CIO's table and team agenda - but this is not the end - it just the start.

CIO is responsible to offer services witch usually equals to financial costs and here we should change the hat and think this from CFO side.

The CFO might ask from CIO that how the benefits, TCO and ROI are based on the business case and based on his/her knowledge from cloud he/she should be also interested of the cost versus benefits to avoid paying from nothing. If i would be CFO i really like to know that if we are paying the next 3 years fixed price per month per user from the service in contract sign date but the service will have more richer features available with no cost. So you would get more with same money but you don't want and use them. This is like investing money, put one million dollar to shares and in the next three years we are not interested of dividend or the appreciation of the shares- No No, we just want to get our 1 million dollars back after three years.

Sounds scary if CFO will accept this type of spending but again unfortunately through. So some very actully stupid question from financial point like

How much we are paying without using the features and services available for free? (Like owning and retail but not renting that, just keeping it warm and clean and paying from the insurance and
electric - you got the point)

Next questions is a little bit tougher and requires good understanding from the organization's business and employees and how we personalized or profiles those. Below is very very small analysis for three years using user based monthly subscription and what is the impact if done in more detailed way even that it take more time to established.

In our Office365-Expert organization we 34 000 Information worker, 10 000 field worker and 20 000 factory worker.

So we can clearly see the financial benefits from user profiling but of course this does not come for free and requires hard work and have extra cost to do the required changes in the existing legacy solution and IAM systems.

The user profiling partially brings on the table the third part - the business and it's VP's, Executives and so on, from where everything starts.
Without business there is no demand for any IT services - none, njet, no, Ei.... but also thinking other side how IT can be business enabler and enrich the users daily work and work performance or generate totally new business opportunities.

So pragmatically we have three CxO level persons who don't know or have the visibility how the increase the user performance witch is the key, how to be more innovative and collaborate more, not the technology.

couple questions the board of executives can think might be like

How we collaborate globally?
How we found right resource to support the business using our tools?
How we share information at the right time and way?
How we simplify our technical architecture and utilize more cloud services?
How we build the model to share the business requires and Office 365 new services aligned with financials?
How we can utilize Office 365 in our journey to EU GDPR compliance
Do we use other cloud based applications like SalesForce and ServiceNow witch can be configured to use Azure AD for user authentication?
Do we have services witch can be replaced with Office 365 and out of the box features included in our monthly prices?

To be able to realize the evergreen cloud services benefits you need drive and have the ownership for the change, You can call it Center of Excellence, Cloud Excellence, Digital Excellence  and they key is the team with talents from different technologies like Office 365 is based on, it starts from identity and security and goes through communication and collaboration to analytics and software development skilled people from your own organization or from selected partner.

For the change you need the boost and right attitude like the blower below above the V8. You cannot get speed and horsepower for free and same works in organization, instead you need to make investment and in digital work learn how to fail and learn from it and do it faster and faster parallel to create business value or more speed :-)

Car show Helsinki Finland
All pictures and thoughts are my own

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Remember and learned something from year 2000 change --> Be smarter with EU GDPR

From year 2000 IT change to next big change - EU GDPR

How many of us remember the IT workload when we came from history 1900 to new and magnificent 2000 century and Windows 2000 Active Directory and changes in the application and so worth - was great time for trainers. Running from customer to customer and keeping Microsoft MOC 1560 NT 4 to Windows 2000 Upgrade and our own Windows Server 2000 courses.

That was the history part and lets keep it there - but this brings at least to my mind how we have prepared to May 25th 2018 when the EU GDRP comes in to effect.

The answers varies, some organization does not even know from this and others have started to prepare and others are between and or does not do anything.

Other questions is the possibility to use the law wrong way where criminal organization start to recruit people or asks people to go from one organization to another ask's them to show what they have from them and please forgot me.

Sound's like DDOS Denial-of-Service-Attack's and all based on law.

How many requests one organization can carry and use resource for this? How many resource and FTE's time they can spend to go through the request and understand if there is any risks that yes there might be some personal data from that user user who made the request.

What if I will pay 5$ per user to make the query to any global services offering organization like eBay, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix - you know what I mean. Let's assume that someone invest 10 000$ and get 2000 users to make the request to three company Amazon, eBay and Netflix and find data from them. Based on the law they need to analyze what they have from those user's and it might be nothing - those users has not even create account to any of those services but the labour cost to do the analysis is somewhere. Then investing another 10 000$ for the same user to register and create account to those services and make the request to be forgotten after registration. Can they say that we dont have any data from your while we did the check earlier and based on law -- wrong answer. They need to do the analysis again witch equal to labour cost, time away from more productive and so on.  Then after being attacked this way too many times they answer to next user that no way, go away - we are not going to analyze you and forgot you - but this time the request like forgot dead relative

This is only an illustrative example where organizations needs to prepare and the question stays still - are they ready 25th of May 2018 unless the law.... who know's

Nevertheless, this brings to quite major topics on the table:
1. Do we know data we have and where?
2. Is our applications supporting this, application done and published earlier and/or applications in development phase?

Let's take other illustrative example using Facebook as an example. Your husband or wife has been active in Facebook and suddenly he or she died and husband or wife has to fight to get the account and profile deleted (witch opens other question of groups he/she has created and is the owner for it - what happens to those groups and data insight them witch mostly might be personal data - but that is another story and let's go back to org example) and finally got confirmation from it. Then, suddenly something happens to at the Facebook service and they are forced to restore the data - what happens then?

I don't know - sorry.

But I can bet that for relative's, it's not fun at all to see the wife or husband back and active.

This is just and example based on no knowledge how Facebook works to avoid this kind of situations but again bring the same questions to my mind - Are they ready?

So if go back to the key questions and start to think those two and start from knowledge. Structured data is easier (or not) to understand and know what we have while it is usually in database and we know where the application and database is used - correct?. The opposite - unstructured data is or should be big head ache to organizations business, risk management, security and IT.  While this is not related only to data, it's not enough that you analyze what you have in your collaboration tools and file shares but it goes also to identity and now talking privileged accounts running applications witch might user file shares as part of the small, legacy applications, do you know those, when the password has changed last time, do you have any detect and control process in place.........
The world legacy and history have huge weight here where the data has been migrated from upgraded storage during years without deleting - usually - anything.

It's payback time -unfortunately. Same way that organization using legacy Notes mail and application has explain that they saved them to bankruptcy while staying in the same license and hardware too long - it was good idea and the cheapest in short term but there is no free cheese.
It cannot be expected that if we stay in the same version, others will also do, and that there is no influence in today's social world to the brand where people to share the they are using old tools and techics in their daily work. To days digi native will vote with their feet and we can bet that their social friends will now the reason per yesterday.

Let's get back again to the unknown unstructured data and what it is. So data migrated between years from old to one without deleting together with growing data trends and user behavior. Traditional file shares does not have - usually - data classification, index and search capabilities, versioning, available from mobile - you know and can name those - there is not unless you have purchased 3rd party like Veritas Enterprise Vault archiving tools, tool you have tried to get way during email migration to the Exchange Online as good example.

So you find anykind of, age, usage and amount of data, from where you might use and know about 10-20% and other data is just storage cost - and now we are back in business - Euros, Dollars, Pesetas, Ruplas  you name it  - Money talks and in here with small example.

  • 24000 users
  • 50 GB average disk quota per user
  • 20% active and valuable data
  • 3,5$ / GigaByte the managed storage cost (can be from 2-5$ per gigabyte)
Calculation (24 000*50GB*3,5$)=4 200 000,00 dollars per year - not bad.

But lets calculate what is the Dark Data size and price - so the data without any values (note here that even if old data it can be valuable like old product drawnings, contracts and so) 24 000*50*0,8=960 000 GB = 3 360 000,00 dollars for nothing. For me it sounds quite good business case.

As said, theoretically it is easy show the business case but this really requires more analysis while the 80% of total storage usually includes installation medias, backups, virtual machines disks, .ISO images, zip files and so on and today and even more in the future movies and audios files and of course including unknown amount of duplicates.

So if look back to title and year 2000 there are some common like
  • Yes, it impacts to whole organization
  • Yes, it requires change
  • Yes, it requires finance or you take the risk of penalties. Recommend to read with your risk organization together with business, legal, security and IT.
  • Yes, it include your directory services
  • Yes you need end user training and communication
If done correctly with right partner you might achieve benefits like
  • Yes, you can sleep your nights
  • Yes, this is the time and place to upgrade and adopt governance and start to monitor
  • Yes, you increase your security
  • Yes, you make your or increase your data's value
  • Yes, the data in static file server should be available from any device and any time and any where (who remember this from Microsoft and who and when?)
  • Yes, might reduce your storage cost
  • Yes, this time to create and adopt workflows and retention polices to start know the data and let automation to take care unvaluable data
  • Yes, your outsourcing contracts will safe you
  • Yes and No - you might need to run project to change the partner or hosting provider to sleep your nights
  • Your data is available
  • Better user experience and work performance while data can be found.
  • Yes, you stop the snowball effect where the situation creates exeption witch creates exeption witch makes everything more complex, increase the security risk and time consuming equals to money, frankly.
  • and much much more.

But this was today's story.

Todays picture brings the summer, sun and hot roads.. Feel it.
Shortly - I would

"All comments, thoughts and pictures are my own and I don't have legal background"

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Benefits of social networks and sharing blogs and articles in twitter for example.

Social and Share

I have never understood people - expect me - who think that only the work I have done, is the best or the coolest in the world.

What this actually mean is that everyone try to invent the wheel again witch is not so smart and valuable. Of course the wheel can have different angle, behavior, features and blah blah but the wheel is the wheel and to reinvent the wheel I think more valuable is to enrich the wheel with something others has not created yet but still link the new to the old one.

Example, I could start to write document and blog from (maybe will later on) from Azure AD and it's new capabilities as Jesper Ståhle from Sweden has explained in his blog. Jesper Ståhle O365 MVP blog
Who is very talent and valuable resource to follow based on his technical articles with valuable project experience.

Going back to the first sentence - there are people with same mindset respect only those who has build their house or car or summer cottage with their own hand and those who has purchased are nothing.
It is like someone liking Chevrolet Camaro '69  and another person from Dodge Charger 426 Hemi '69 and who cars if they have build those by own hands. Both cool car and funny to drive compared to Kia i30.

I give my all respect to people who has the talent to build those cars, summer cottage, write SAP article and blog from it or anything but also understanding that not everyone have those skills.

We are unique and have different skills and talents - actually enriching our life by allowing us to accept different people with special skills.

So back to topic where Jesper's blogs and articles works brilliantly in the Digital Workplace communication and what features Microsoft cloud services support now.

Notice the world now while one benefits of selecting MS ecosystem is that they are expanding their cloud service all the time with cool new features.

"All thoughts and opinions are my own like pictures too"

With daily picture - not Camaro or Charger but still from US!

Finnish Hot Rod Association Car Show - Helsinki Finland 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

EU GDPR will be there but how to start the journey - Chapter 2

How to understand what data our employees are sending and where those are used.

Last time we looked the life from understanding what is happening inside our network, let's extend our mindset also to understand how to protect the information moved inside and outside our network and how to understand and make visible, where the file is opened. Cool - is in't?

One additional thing bringing more complexity is of course the hybrid setup. Our planet is not so black and white instead it have some shade of other colors between black and white :-).

So the identity is not black white, the data location is not black and white but the IT still lives in black and white to manage same resources with less money - you got it.

So if we start from basic we need to understand the data and classify it, witch makes this big change management and communication issue from the end user view. They have been familiar to save data where ever they feel comfortable or has been used to - even that there might been some guides and policies to store the data here and there without able to reuse what colleagues has created - mine is always the best and that's why I started from scratch or use only copies what I have created.

Back to classification  - in very pragmatic view the data classification can be defined to couple class:
  • Secret
  • Confidental
  • Internal
  • Not restricted / Public
  • and Personal witch makes this even funnier based on EU GDPR - nice word again.
 Sounds clear and should be easy after we have configured the new classification to our organization and when people are starting to create new document those will be classified but what about the 345 Billions old, legacy file we have like Summerparty2001 pictures and invitation and food list. In this time youngster usually says OMG - still saving so old data - you are so old school. True unfortunately - organization has migrated data transition after transition after transition from NT 3,51 or maybe from OS/2 or WARP to Windows NT 4 to Windows 2000 to Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 to Windows 2012 R2 file servers and now thinking to migrate the data to Windows Server 2016 R2 and so on. And every transition we purchase more storage, build and configure more sophisticated storage solution with maybe dedublication to save the storage but still not touching the root cause.  Let's avoid opening the backup discussion here - sorry we can't. We backup the local branch office serves offering local network share to the users for data parallel to be the first place for user desktop backups - ups, same file in X:\data\path\salespresentation.pptx Drive as file and in in X:\Backups\GasMonkey\backup22022002.something and so on. While we don't have back up solution and tape's in branch office we some how copy the data to central data center where the both files and backup files are copied to tape and archive it. Simple, nice and easy - well no.

Let's take one variable here and call it human, you know the person who talk and walk do all kind of funny things. So it saves the file created in it's PC to local drive and copy it to the local network drive parallel to send it in email to 20 best friends who might need that file or maybe not and each of these best friends save the file to their local PC and maybe even in the local network drive in their office witch is then backed up to the central data center in that region not forgetting the automated backup scripts copying the file to local network share, from where other scripts copy the file to data center were it will be backed up to tape witch maybe never ever has been really tested from bottom up.

And suddently the file is 2, 3 5, 10 or 45 times stored and using the storage capacity with value of 0 when we looked the name of the file - salesguide_2005draft.doc - frankly for this does not sound fun instead.....

And short conclusion is that technology is not limiting and root cause for this - it is the human and lack of policies and governance with data classification with retention/archiving period, detect and control and proactive communication and owned by business, lead by example with commitment.

Sounds familiar - be honest.

You got the point, we need to classify the data and we must have meta data witch triggers and is used in retention. Like start workflow to get approval to delete or save other 6 months to all files classified Internal/security and have Draft Meta Data attribute. This actually come back to the terms workflow - automate - process witch are not technical IT terminology only and we might ask from our self that are these features normal disk systems and file share give to us if your answer is yes - are those in use, if answer is no - only questions is why?

So classification is needed and it must be able to configure it automatically during document creation based on the data content like social security, bank account, credit card and so on but also allowing users to overdrive the automatic rule.

Check more data from Wikipedia using following link - if it just work.
meta data
or using following link to digital guardian  digital guardian data classification

Will continue next more from Meta Data in next article and as usually

"All ideas and thoughts are my own like pictures unless told the source"

To be Continued ..

Biker's meeting Haltiala / Finland August 2016 - approx 200 bikers ( mostly age over 40)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

EU GDPR will be there but how to start the journey - Chapter I

How to understand what is happening in our network

Understanding and monitoring the network traffic as such might be enough but it is not. You can use Solarwind, IBM, HP and others network monitoring tool but how much they support and utilize machine learning to understood the user behavior instead of protocols and packet size, source and target address at the Ethernet and IP level not forgotting the OSI model 4 liker TCP or UDP and application layers.

So having and saving logs is not enough in the future, instead those are important part of the process but there should be more proactive and real time actions alerting based on abnormal user behavior.

@Microsoft Advanced Thread Analytics video

To understand what is abnormal behavior, machine learning is one key word to find and identity changes and this works multiple ways. Most of the security breach still and unfortunately starts from poor user credentials and user behavior where attacker has got the user name and password somehow - and quessing the user name is not hard work. Does user have email - Yes, does user have SIP address -Yes - conclusion might then be that SMTP address = SIP Address = User Principal Name - not hard or what?

When attacker has the user name and password and can remotely login to user PC the world is open to him or her. This hacked account is the key to start to browse the corporate network and find workstations and servers/services with know vulnerabilities without installed fix. This way the attacker start to know more more from your network and unfortunately your own IT knowing nothing.

Microsoft Advanced Thread Analytics is one tool for this while it start to learn how users behave and alerts then from abnormal behavior. Example Jack is working in London Office from 8-17 and suddenly some day there is normal logging in that time but also different time from different PC and locations. So with Machine Learning you can start to find this patterns and hopefully when having alert have also control actions and governance how to proceed.

Next article will discuss from Azure AD premium and how it support the GDPR journey.

Use the following links to check the video from ATA by Microsoft

Microsoft ATA video

"All comments, thoughts and picture's are my own"

Fast and Rusty Beetle - Extreme CarShow Helsinki 2010

GDPR - The Law Part 0

General Data Protection and Regulation in nutshell from wikipedia

  1. Applies registrar and processors based on EU but also global organization if they process personal data from EU residents witch.
  2. Each member country must have organization and authority to work with the organization, EU and residents
  3. Data Protection Officer DPO, new role required for companies over 250 employees. Under the GDPR, the independent Data Protection Officer (DPO) will be under a legal obligation to notify the Supervisory Authority without undue delay and this is also still subject to negotiations at present.
  4. Data Breach and notifications
    1. 72 hours or if high risk then as soon as possible
  5. Sanctions 
    1. 2% or 10 000 000,00 Euros from global turnover witch ever is greater
    2. 4% or 20 000 000,00 Euros from global turnover witch ever is greater
  6. Law explain the mindset of personal data but as described in earlier or later chapter it can be quite blurry with extension based on age, religion, color and so on.
  7. rights
    1. rights to be forgotten
    2. Data portability - should these mean that my data in Instgram should be movable using drag and drop to Twitter or Facebook or vice versa. Maybe not :-)
    3. My Data - right to see what personal data is stored from me

To Be Continued...

"All thoughts and pictures are my own and I don't have any legal background"

Extreme Car Show 2010

Saturday, October 15, 2016

GDPR Part IV - Align with your digital journey


we have storage and we have data and we have the users but how the GDPR and Digital links to gether?

Easily, the answer is quite simple in pragmatic way. In digitalization, users will have tools based on their role in the organization as explain earlier. Sales person uses CRM and R&D persona use PLM and so on.

So the future system should support couple of things from wide angle. (just believe there much more..)

1. Automate the user process, make the work easier with the tools witch support the work and not the system. So what the automation do, is that something is done always same way and it can be monitored and explained what has happened. Workflow is great example. When user tag the file for draft version or final in meta data, there can be two different workflows. Rule what will automatically delete the draft file after 6 months and second rule witch requires to way approval to move the document to secure data repository or asset place, Idea is that it is searchable and available for others witch actually explain couple key thing.

2. Meta Data and Classification. Legacy storage and file servers does not support in sophisticated and required level these and usually file server is just file server. Lots of data, weird folder structure, maybe some security related issues, data in wrong place and so on. You just name those.

In 201x what is the demand for file server in central data centers and or in branch offices while everyone are speaking from cloud and and access from anywhere. And compared  on premise solution to certified cloud solution or services, good question is that are we compliance, how our data center services will be analyzed against laws and regulations. Are we able to show reliable audit trail what has happen, who has done and what and when this has happened and unfortunately how long ago this has actually happened.

3. Workflow - Like Meta Data and classification one valuable thing is that we automate simple thing with workflows or software robot's, make thing this interested. When we try to define the workflow we are going more to process and how people work witch if awesome.

Understand how we would work can be only understood by doing it or interviewing people who know it. But there is also other side, resistance for change and staying in as is. That's where there is a need for people who through interviews understand the as is but using their knowledge from emergency technologies and digitization brings the value and ideas how this manual work can be automated, what kinf of value it creates and how the benefits can be achieved and realized - without talking anything from the products.

4. Process - as described earlier one key thing is to know how we work and also see who we should and would work and behave in the future.

5 Audit - this is nice Pandora's box witch has multiple layers and views and here we open just small part of it, in anykind of order.

5.1 User Identity starting from the process how the users are created who manage personal data covering all from Identity point of view, create, modify, delete, communicate... Not to forgot the privileged accounts and group membership management.

5.2 Authentication / login and the audit trail or detect and control. Nevertheless if the data is in the on premise or cloud, one question is how you can detect abnormal behavior. From the user profile or personalization view we know that Jack works from 7-16 sitting in the office and having desktop on the table. This is the place where he sit and try to sell products to the customer in CRM solution with Personal data included from the users. What if Jack is logging from other site of the world or Jasmine is trying to log on from Jack's PC at 03:45.

What kind of governance, process, logging and communication and action capabilities are in the organization.

Brilliant example the Finnish Police in the news where they have internally detected Police Officer to read data from one dead skier Mika Myllylä years ago. Those police were not involved to that case anyhow and not even located and lived in the same municipality (not fully sure from this), so from their daily work - no demand to look this case information. Now they were in the news when the jury was made the decisions with quite light penalty. News did not mentioned how the detect this illegal data breach but key here is that the was a control in place. We can always ask that can those person work as a police any more because they might also look the data from their neighbors and use the power given by their work wrongly.

As said - from the audit trail point of view organization should have good logging systems with proactive capabilities and governance how to proceed when abnormal behavior detected.

But - again - this also creates another data repository for personal data when we start to think this from end to end.

5.3 Logs and how to handle those. I have earlier mentioned from the Proxy w/o authentication and key here is do we understand if there is personal data in any logs from client through network to application / business logic / data base layers and identity and authentication. If said Yes then there is a demand to think a little bit more how to work with this, Can we remove all logs - and if yes did we miss data and broke the end to end audit trail. So we need to deploy a solution how we archive logs and ensure that only authorized person have access to those. And also have technical solution protecting from example data deletion to hide other criminal actions.

5.4 Data - this is wider while due integration and connection it is more difficult to say how apps will connect and how the handle the data cross applications.  One sure thing is that together with the proactive authentication monitor we also must monitor user usage of data regardless if data is stored on managed or unmanaged way.
So we need to log all access both failed and successful and what I have observed that this is not in acceptable level.  Also discussed why monitoring the failed is not enough while this does not collect the data if user with technical rights allow's the access but the user should not use that data source based on his role in the organization. Good example is if normal IT person can have access to Financial or and POS systems using his basic work account.

So logging is required to see if security breach has happened but is that enough - No unless you have process and person to look through all logs. There are also tools and services witch can be used witch actually uses machine learning to recognize the abnormal behavior.

5. Network - Network is in change but it does not reduces it's criticality, instead the traffic will be more from client SaaS services through internet instead of internal MPLS network. This turn around the whole network mindset, where we are protecting our internal network where all the services are to more how we connect and where we connect and also how to reduce the cost. Key question here is how and from where the users connect, where their services are hosted on and more going to cloud, more we need to thing name services and how to ensure the fastest connection to the client. As said 'geoDNS will have huge impact to the overall DNS architecture where your client have had the DNS IP address pointing to the Active Directory DNS witch has then forwarded the DNS query to corporates public name server in one location. Meaning that user from US Ottawa will use the public DNS in Helsinki and all responses given back to client will point Europe. Example for this is Office 365 where in this case client will get the IP address of MS service from Dublin and will connecty trough internal MPLS network to IBO in Europe. This is nothing wrong but if client in Ottawa could use geodns and get local MS service IP address and have local IBO the client will connect to the nearest Microsoft front end Exchange and then the data from Dublin will be manage by Microsoft witch release all email traffic from MPLS to the Internet.

Other example is VPN usage, when services goes more and more to cloud and spread all over the world the tight security and VPN usage start to be an issues. Now encrypted traffic will be routed and encrypted in VPN through on premise gate witch can mean that user located in Hotel in Dublin must take VPN tunnel to US concentrator witch actually then routed the traffic back in MPLS to Europe and IBO in Helsinki or from US to Internet - not cool at all.

So moving from legacy to SaaS and digitalized the work, might and usually have impact also to network, routing, network services and make the transition even more complex and unfortunately costly too. Moving from 3 regional IBO's to country based IBO's with geodns is not one day activity, instead requires hard design and implementation where organization own capabilities and their service providers capabilities are the key.

But time to go and all good so far.

To Be Continued...

"All opinion, thoughts and pictures are my own"
Car Show Lahti/Finland October 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

GDPR III and beyond

Thinking is good but also painful in IT - or is it?

Should we start from bottom up or top down when thinking of GDPR ==> Information ==> DATA ==> and finally from storage where the data has been saved in history and will be saved in future and hopefully with retention policies and archiving.

If we go back to root and ask why we have storage the answer is should be clear - we want to do business and without business there is no process to create data and demand for strorage. This should be clear for all but when we take some perspective and look outside the IT might still define what is the storage architecture used for everything and it has worked earlier but today, it's not so obvious anymore and IT need to discuss more with business to understand it's demand and how IT can bring new ideas and be enabler rather than ongoing cost.

What if we turn the idea upside down and start to think what kinf of profile we have in the organization like:
  • Finance
  • HR
  • Sales
  • Communication
  • Training 
  • IT
  • R&D and product development
  • Procurement
  • ...departments...
- where each organization silo or department or business units uses their own application and creates data in their required format witch can be totally separate what other units will manage. Parallel the change from on premise to public cloud and SaaS services has spread the corporate's data - not only one data center any more with full control -  to multiple location regardeless if it has been beyond own IT's capabiliteis to offer and deliver required services or business decission.

Nevertheless the data mass is growing, it's format is extend from traditional static file to audio and video files and formats but who actually design where these should stored, how they should be available for the end users and how long and to whom and how long they are valid. Sounds like it has something to do with governance, policies, meta data blah blah blaah, and still the questions where to save these data and have clear, measurable benefits from them....

I asked my self multiple time how the GDPR and this topics mirrors to storage and answer might not at all and sametime from everywhere depending of the data content, does it include personal data, is it business data and is it valuable business data, is final version or draft version, is it searchable, is there  retention polices to delete information and data when there is no legal reason to save the data anymore with the question what is the value of the data.

And liked or not,  we come back to the basic questions of who owns the data and who creates data / information. Where the answer is Business and Sales Person managing opportunties in CRM and sending approved Proposals to the customer based on RFP as an example. If we simplify even more and start to split the tasks smaller and smaller part to understand what kind of information is handled in RFP response, we can quite easily find to type of data; structured data (customer information like anddress, contact persons, sales activities calls and emails, campaings...) managed in CRM solution and unsturctured witch is actually the result or deliverable - The Proposal.

Sounds simple, it can be or not depending of the business and the size of it.

Let's open the RFP response process. Sales person creates new  opportunity to the CRM, maybe with workflows to get intenal approvals to even start to work and staff resources and create the BID team.

The Bid team is like small project where the BID manager is responsible from the schedule and deliverables witch are usually printed or electric documents based on RFP requirements. The work requires experts and SME's able to create the solution, estimate the solution workloads and components, estimate the schedule, create the finance, define what is in the scope and out of scope, what are assumption. All these needs to be, usually, approved by business that yes this is what we want to sell and is what customer is asking in the RFP, by delivery - yes we delivery this in the presented time windows and resorces, by finance - yes all the financial like FX's, invoicing cycle, Internal fundings are align and by legal - yes from legal point of view we are OK.

Simple, but thinking this small project and data created, itj's not only the customer RFP answer file, instead it is bunch of excels, drawnings, technical documents just name it. Now we can ask a questions from us, where are we going to store these files, and sorry but even before that aks that how would we work and manage versions, how we share files, how each person now what is the current version, what are additional material and what if we need restore some part we already deleted. If we make this even more complex that all the BID team resources does not work in the same office, it will increse the internal cost to get people to work in same place unless....

OMG, question again. How good our current CRM solution supports collaboration and communication during the BID work?
  • Brilliant - all the way all communication and collaboration features available from one application / service
  • Good - some minor issues like lack of  IM, Share or comment or review features as an example 
  • None - we can manage customer and upload document, send emails from client with preformated emails but our CRM role is for Customer relationship  and sales activities but not creating document.

What was your answer?

Same way when you are using online web shop to buy a book, the system does not include writer and printing press or forklifts moving the boxes, it includes only the customer data and the sales items and orders ==> The end product it self, not draft, not forklifts, not paper, not ink ==> the end product.

So based earlier user profile we can identify data stored to two different location based on the nature or the information:
  • Managed Data - Data in CRM system (Microsoft Dynamics 365, SalesForce (might be some others too :-)) like customer name, address, contact persons, opportunties, status of those, value of the opportunity, signed proposals send to the customer and hopefully signed contracs too with terms and conditions
  • Unmanaged Data - Data saved in SharePoint Online (are there other competitive solution available with end to end integration to communication and analytics...) like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, AutoCAD and other files with version history (major-minor), meta data and data classification, workflows and so on not forgetting the search capability. We have offer this kind of services or product earlier lets find cases and use copy and past the reduce the time for proposal and parallel to benchmark the price. And these also with offline capabilities with automatic syncronization and sharing capabilities.
Based on earlier we start to talk about digital workplace and digital work where user can work from anywhere, use any devide and like approve the final version using phone or tablet, edit the same document version at the same from different location - All features not usually available from CRM.

As said earlier each business units has different demands and while thinking to upgrade the infrastructure one good thing is to analyze each application and service of how they use storage, what requirement they have from infrastructure based on user demands. Summarize those to undestand the big picture and then with innovation and digital on mind start to find the solution. Even that it might have bigger impact than moving data from old storage to new without any change.

As said starting from business view, moving to user profiles and understanding they daily work and information they need or create is pragmatically quite valuable and should drive the future roadmap to digital workplace.

Still keeping mind the lesson from my grandpa - the poor can not afford to buy cheap - meaning you have to buy two - first the cheap and then the more expensive.

To be Continued.....

"All opinions are my own"

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

GDPR to be continued II


When we think about GDPR and user data we can share the data to managed data with application, business logic and data base layers usually and then unmanaged data witch is more data in File servers or SharePoint or any document management data where the data is handled more like a concreate units like file with lots of words rather than smaller part of information as part of the larger information like address in CRM solution from one individual customer.

If we focus to unmanaged data we open or at least in my mind come millions of questions like governance, retention and archive policies, Meta Data, data format, data content, where to save and what data, what kind of storage architecture we have to support the type and value of the data, what kind of security policies we for data, do we classify data, do we protect data, do we have any kind of data lost prevention / protection mechanism in place, how do we recognize security breach (we don't) how do we detect and control if any security issues or un normal user behaviours in place, how do we backup and restore data, how do archive backups, how do we handle security logs if any, do we know how many dublicates we have, do we know how many movies or cat or dog pictures we hae in our system with x amount of copies, does our user know what and were to save and what type of data and maybe one hardest questions how our search works, how much our employees use time for searching something what they know to be stored somewhere but what could not be found and how much we have data from what we don't know at all.

Funny thing is that organization spends globally huge amount of time = money to find data from the data mass where part of the data is unvaluable and not required to stored based on any laws any more. Reason has been just if if if if if - you might heard that if aunt have b..s she is uncle or that if cows fly or if kids has guns and so on.
All these impacts to end user experience and efficiency witch impacts negatively to users and organizations productivity and the shares and dividends organization is paying.

All these should be seen as part of the organization digital workplace journey where the data is available, searchable, have value and old data will retire and be deleted or archived. The data is not seen as a data it is seen as asset and value for the organization

I will be the CEO or chairman of the board this would a one thing I'm interesting at least that moment when some one told that if worst case happens we have to pay penalties of 4 % or 20 million euros from total annual worldwide turnover - witch is higher.

So from where to starts is great questions and have multiple approach how to start - but without boards engagements and commitments to this why to start while you cannot achieve and realize what you are looking for. You must have the commitment from highest and get the most senior people to understand the background cross organization units; Business, HR, Finance, IT, R&D, Production... you name it.

But let's get back to unmanaged data where might be the most of the unknown information from where the organization don't have any understanding.

Regardless of your business, are you at the finance, production, resource, health care, high technology i assume that you have couple of file servers in branch offices, data centers, couple of SharePoint where the data migration was postponed due the poor finance and maybe separate document management system like Documentum and product lifecycle management PLM applications and based on users the data is not stored where it should be witch makes it unvaluable while not founded, too many versions and no knowledge of the latest version with right data.

One question you should ask from your business is "Do we know what GDPR means and how it impacts to us?"

To be continued

"All comments are my own"

Monday, October 10, 2016

How new EU General Data Protection and Regulation will impact to organizations

New EU GDPR will come into effect May 2018 and it will be bigger issues then expected and understood and it's the Law.

One key questions will be what is personal data, where in all systems it has been stored and for how long. Do we know where the user's personal data is, how would we are are we even able to found personal data from our data mass. Do we personal data only in managed data like in application and data bases or do we also have personal data in unmanaged data and honestly can some one explain what is unmanaged or dark data and do we have it and how much.

Short answer is that yes you have and usually a lot. Veritas used the term Databerg like iceberg - you will only see the 10% and the rest in in the Dark under your eys and understanding. It is history data, data where the policies and control has failed.

You have just deployed new tools but not migrated or deleted the old one - yes deleted. Normally corporate takes backups from end user workstation to the local file server witch is then replicated to central data center and then stored to backup tapes. And this happens for the same file in multiple users computer -- backed up the local Branch Office file server -- backed up to centralized data center and included to the backup tapes. And for sure it is also in email and pst files backed up same way as a file and email backups. Sounds familiar?

If not - I don't believe

And based on earlier, what if customer or you as an employee want to be forgotten, how do you ensure that your yearly reviews or saved proxy log files from authenticating proxy will be deleted and not restored from backup in crisis when the systems has crashed and your data come back to the system and visible. IP address is personal information here explaining that you as an individual has tried to connect from your PC to Internet regardless if the target has been against corporate policies - maybe

One questions will be pictures and all legal topics how for example you can publish pictures to web with others than you, also the pic's meta data can include the location witch actually helps to identify where the picture has been taken and who are in the picture. And what IF - I wanted to be forgotten but is that enought to delete the picture where is also other people??

Questions, questions but very hard to find answers.

But one key here is to see this as an organizaton wide issue and think what kind of business units and roles we have and what kind of data they manage. Is there personal data, if yes - do we collect only the minimum or just for sure a little bit more, do our data processors knows and have we guidelined them how to work with our data and if we dont have shared and trained them, how they know how to work. Should they make their own guides how to work with our data and does this impacts and them to registrar while trying to define the how to work - or should they just rise hands and stop working if not guided.

To Be Continued....

"All comments are my own"

How new EU General Data Protection and Regulation will impact to organizations

New EU GDPR will come into effect May 2018 and it will be bigger issues then expected and understood and it's the Law.

One key questions will be what is personal data, where in all systems it has been stored and for how long. Do we know where the user's personal data is, how would we are are we even able to found personal data from our data mass. Do we personal data only in managed data like in application and data bases or do we also have personal data in unmanaged data and honestly can some one explain what is unmanaged or dark data and do we have it and how much.

Short answer is that yes you have and usually a lot. Veritas used the term Databerg like iceberg - you will only see the 10% and the rest in in the Dark under your eys and understanding. It is history data, data where the policies and control has failed.

You have just deployed new tools but not migrated or deleted the old one - yes deleted. Normally corporate takes backups from end user workstation to the local file server witch is then replicated to central data center and then stored to backup tapes. And this happens for the same file in multiple users computer -- backed up the local Branch Office file server -- backed up to centralized data center and included to the backup tapes. And for sure it is also in email and pst files backed up same way as a file and email backups. Sounds familiar?

If not - I don't believe

And based on earlier, what if customer or you as an employee want to be forgotten, how do you ensure that your yearly reviews or saved proxy log files from authenticating proxy will be deleted and not restored from backup in crisis when the systems goes down and your data come back to the system and visible. IP address is personal information here explaining that you as an individual has tried to connect from your PC to Internet regardless if the target has been against corporate policies.

"All comments are my own"

Read more

To Be Continued

Use your brains

How much we can do with todays technology.

Many of us has maybe seen the Microsoft Hololens or even used those. I have and I used it to play cool kill alien bugs in our meeting room.

Fever might seen Emotiv Brain wearables but i really recommend to visit and check that is possible and what not. Also look this cool Youtube videos and others video available like flying the drone

Anyone think of dreamn what we can do if combine these two. Emotive

and Microsoft Hololens


This combination might allow you to free your hands while you can do the select by using your brains instead of fingers.

This just opens few possibilities for example in field work or health areas where people can use their hand more important than pressing buttons or anything.

Games will have huge business potential with Hololens while you really are in side the game and trying to dodge lazer beam shooted by aliens in the room and shooting back. I tested it and it was awesome.

"All comments are my own and personal opinions"