Thursday, October 20, 2016

Remember and learned something from year 2000 change --> Be smarter with EU GDPR

From year 2000 IT change to next big change - EU GDPR

How many of us remember the IT workload when we came from history 1900 to new and magnificent 2000 century and Windows 2000 Active Directory and changes in the application and so worth - was great time for trainers. Running from customer to customer and keeping Microsoft MOC 1560 NT 4 to Windows 2000 Upgrade and our own Windows Server 2000 courses.

That was the history part and lets keep it there - but this brings at least to my mind how we have prepared to May 25th 2018 when the EU GDRP comes in to effect.

The answers varies, some organization does not even know from this and others have started to prepare and others are between and or does not do anything.

Other questions is the possibility to use the law wrong way where criminal organization start to recruit people or asks people to go from one organization to another ask's them to show what they have from them and please forgot me.

Sound's like DDOS Denial-of-Service-Attack's and all based on law.

How many requests one organization can carry and use resource for this? How many resource and FTE's time they can spend to go through the request and understand if there is any risks that yes there might be some personal data from that user user who made the request.

What if I will pay 5$ per user to make the query to any global services offering organization like eBay, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix - you know what I mean. Let's assume that someone invest 10 000$ and get 2000 users to make the request to three company Amazon, eBay and Netflix and find data from them. Based on the law they need to analyze what they have from those user's and it might be nothing - those users has not even create account to any of those services but the labour cost to do the analysis is somewhere. Then investing another 10 000$ for the same user to register and create account to those services and make the request to be forgotten after registration. Can they say that we dont have any data from your while we did the check earlier and based on law -- wrong answer. They need to do the analysis again witch equal to labour cost, time away from more productive and so on.  Then after being attacked this way too many times they answer to next user that no way, go away - we are not going to analyze you and forgot you - but this time the request like forgot dead relative

This is only an illustrative example where organizations needs to prepare and the question stays still - are they ready 25th of May 2018 unless the law.... who know's

Nevertheless, this brings to quite major topics on the table:
1. Do we know data we have and where?
2. Is our applications supporting this, application done and published earlier and/or applications in development phase?

Let's take other illustrative example using Facebook as an example. Your husband or wife has been active in Facebook and suddenly he or she died and husband or wife has to fight to get the account and profile deleted (witch opens other question of groups he/she has created and is the owner for it - what happens to those groups and data insight them witch mostly might be personal data - but that is another story and let's go back to org example) and finally got confirmation from it. Then, suddenly something happens to at the Facebook service and they are forced to restore the data - what happens then?

I don't know - sorry.

But I can bet that for relative's, it's not fun at all to see the wife or husband back and active.

This is just and example based on no knowledge how Facebook works to avoid this kind of situations but again bring the same questions to my mind - Are they ready?

So if go back to the key questions and start to think those two and start from knowledge. Structured data is easier (or not) to understand and know what we have while it is usually in database and we know where the application and database is used - correct?. The opposite - unstructured data is or should be big head ache to organizations business, risk management, security and IT.  While this is not related only to data, it's not enough that you analyze what you have in your collaboration tools and file shares but it goes also to identity and now talking privileged accounts running applications witch might user file shares as part of the small, legacy applications, do you know those, when the password has changed last time, do you have any detect and control process in place.........
The world legacy and history have huge weight here where the data has been migrated from upgraded storage during years without deleting - usually - anything.

It's payback time -unfortunately. Same way that organization using legacy Notes mail and application has explain that they saved them to bankruptcy while staying in the same license and hardware too long - it was good idea and the cheapest in short term but there is no free cheese.
It cannot be expected that if we stay in the same version, others will also do, and that there is no influence in today's social world to the brand where people to share the they are using old tools and techics in their daily work. To days digi native will vote with their feet and we can bet that their social friends will now the reason per yesterday.

Let's get back again to the unknown unstructured data and what it is. So data migrated between years from old to one without deleting together with growing data trends and user behavior. Traditional file shares does not have - usually - data classification, index and search capabilities, versioning, available from mobile - you know and can name those - there is not unless you have purchased 3rd party like Veritas Enterprise Vault archiving tools, tool you have tried to get way during email migration to the Exchange Online as good example.

So you find anykind of, age, usage and amount of data, from where you might use and know about 10-20% and other data is just storage cost - and now we are back in business - Euros, Dollars, Pesetas, Ruplas  you name it  - Money talks and in here with small example.

  • 24000 users
  • 50 GB average disk quota per user
  • 20% active and valuable data
  • 3,5$ / GigaByte the managed storage cost (can be from 2-5$ per gigabyte)
Calculation (24 000*50GB*3,5$)=4 200 000,00 dollars per year - not bad.

But lets calculate what is the Dark Data size and price - so the data without any values (note here that even if old data it can be valuable like old product drawnings, contracts and so) 24 000*50*0,8=960 000 GB = 3 360 000,00 dollars for nothing. For me it sounds quite good business case.

As said, theoretically it is easy show the business case but this really requires more analysis while the 80% of total storage usually includes installation medias, backups, virtual machines disks, .ISO images, zip files and so on and today and even more in the future movies and audios files and of course including unknown amount of duplicates.

So if look back to title and year 2000 there are some common like
  • Yes, it impacts to whole organization
  • Yes, it requires change
  • Yes, it requires finance or you take the risk of penalties. Recommend to read with your risk organization together with business, legal, security and IT.
  • Yes, it include your directory services
  • Yes you need end user training and communication
If done correctly with right partner you might achieve benefits like
  • Yes, you can sleep your nights
  • Yes, this is the time and place to upgrade and adopt governance and start to monitor
  • Yes, you increase your security
  • Yes, you make your or increase your data's value
  • Yes, the data in static file server should be available from any device and any time and any where (who remember this from Microsoft and who and when?)
  • Yes, might reduce your storage cost
  • Yes, this time to create and adopt workflows and retention polices to start know the data and let automation to take care unvaluable data
  • Yes, your outsourcing contracts will safe you
  • Yes and No - you might need to run project to change the partner or hosting provider to sleep your nights
  • Your data is available
  • Better user experience and work performance while data can be found.
  • Yes, you stop the snowball effect where the situation creates exeption witch creates exeption witch makes everything more complex, increase the security risk and time consuming equals to money, frankly.
  • and much much more.

But this was today's story.

Todays picture brings the summer, sun and hot roads.. Feel it.
Shortly - I would

"All comments, thoughts and pictures are my own and I don't have legal background"

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